Thursday, September 4, 2014

Worst Passwords of 2013

Business Insider listed 25 of the worst passwords that were used in 2013. These passwords were simple and easy to remember. Because of this, many people chose the same passwords and thus becoming vulnerable to hackers, Hackers try these passwords first, which is why your data could be at risk if you have them:
worst passwords of 2013

Passwords are recommended to have at least eight with different types of characters and different combinations; however, these are often difficult to remember, which is why they recommend using multiple words that are easy to remember and seperated by spaces, like "cakes years  birthdays". The article also recommends using different passwords for each account you use. 

Personally, I have used number 13 on that list as my password for my school account, but because that password has expired, I had to change it to something else. Luckily, it isn't on that list!

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