Sunday, September 7, 2014

Human Computer Interface

1.     When were the first USER Interfaces developed?

The first User interfaces were developed in the 1970's

2.     Who developed them?

Xerox PARC developed this Xerox Alto.

3.     What percentage of software development time is spent on user interfaces

The average time spent during the design phase is 45%, 50% during the implementation phase and 37% during the maintenance phase.

4.     What makes a good interface?

A good interfaces consists of a lay-out that is easy to use, follow and navigate, attractive, and contains no bugs. 

5.     Copy an image from a Linux and MAC GUI. What are the main visual differences?

The main differences between the Mac (first picture) and the Linux is the format of the desktop icons. For the Linux, the icons are on the top left corner, whereas the icons for the Mac around along the bottom. Furthermore, the date/time bar on the Linux are on the bottom, while the Mac has it along the top.

Try to find an image of and the date of Windows 3.1, Windows95, Windows98, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Windows 3.1 - April 6, 1992

Windows 95 - August 24, 1995

Windows 98 - June 25, 1998

Windows Vista - January 30, 2007

Windows 7 - October 22, 2009

7.     What seems to be getting better as the years go on?

As the years go on, user-friendliness is getting better. The designs are more attractive and easy to follow. The interface looks more organized and clear as less icons were put on the desktops as the years go on.

8.     What are the main goals of good HCI?

The main goals of a good HCI is to allow the user to user the computer efficiently without any problems. A good HCI is simple, yet effective for the user.

9.     List 3 Universities that have courses in HCI.

3 Universities that have courses in HCI are:
-University of Waterloo
-University of Michigan
-University of Manitoba

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