Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 1 Arduino Homework

1.       Name and speed of the Processor for Arduino Uno.

-The name of the Processor is "ATmega328" and its speed is 16MHz.

2. What is the amount of RAM?

-The amount of RAM is 2KB, but it is not exactly RAM, but SRAM, which is Static Random Access Memory.

3. What is the language C good for?

-C is good for expressing common ideas, especially because it is simply and has been around for 30 years which means that there is a lot of source code. C is also good for performance and speed. Major parts of operating systems like Windows are still written in C. Lastly, it is good for both the user and the computer as C is both user and machine oriented.

4. What is the difference between analog and digital inputs? When would they be used?

-One of the differences between analog and digital would be the method of output. Analog outputs information physically, just like the hands would on an analog clock, whereas actual discrete values are outputted on a digital clock. Furthermore, Analog uses a range where it can sometimes be difficult to get the actual output, whereas on something Digital, you can get the exact output. They can be used in many different situations, like on a weight scale, a clock, or in the dashboard of a car. Specifically, a thermometer can be analog and PC's can be digital.

5. What is a microcontroller (In your own words?)

-A microcontroller is a mini computer used to control the actions of systems in electronics. Microcontrollers can be found in things such as printers, toasters, and even aircraft systems. They typically include a processor, memory, and peripherals. The Arduino is often referred to as a microcontroller.

6. Post a good Youtube on our website giving us an intro example

Thursday, September 11, 2014

New Technology/Invention

What it does:

  • Changes the license plate of your car

Problems it solves:

  • Getting charged by 407 ETR and other tolls
  • Getting in trouble for hitting a car. (If you hit a car, simply change license plate and drive away)

Data: License plate codes/numbers with different provinces or states.
Rules/Procedures: Use only during emergencies. Using buttons provided, enter in desired plate number and state/province. Once you have done that, you can get away with whatever it is you have done.
Users: Criminals, bad drivers, toll evaders.
Software: License plate options, fonts, states/provinces.
Hardware: Actual "plate" and buttons to change what plate says.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why Programming is one of the CORE skills of the 21st Century

With technology becoming more advanced, coding and programming is becoming more popular amongst many people. Technology is integrated into many industries and this is why programming skills are important. This is also especially because we are in the 21st century. Now, not all computer programmers are that stereotypical 'nerd', but computer programmers are now becoming more common  as technology grows.

Even if you don't think it  is necessary, programming has a role in almost every career you might go into. Computers are literally everywhere and you can not hide from them. Some can be very complex which is why programming skills are important.

Human Computer Interface

1.     When were the first USER Interfaces developed?

The first User interfaces were developed in the 1970's

2.     Who developed them?

Xerox PARC developed this Xerox Alto.

3.     What percentage of software development time is spent on user interfaces

The average time spent during the design phase is 45%, 50% during the implementation phase and 37% during the maintenance phase.

4.     What makes a good interface?

A good interfaces consists of a lay-out that is easy to use, follow and navigate, attractive, and contains no bugs. 

5.     Copy an image from a Linux and MAC GUI. What are the main visual differences?

The main differences between the Mac (first picture) and the Linux is the format of the desktop icons. For the Linux, the icons are on the top left corner, whereas the icons for the Mac around along the bottom. Furthermore, the date/time bar on the Linux are on the bottom, while the Mac has it along the top.

Try to find an image of and the date of Windows 3.1, Windows95, Windows98, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Windows 3.1 - April 6, 1992

Windows 95 - August 24, 1995

Windows 98 - June 25, 1998

Windows Vista - January 30, 2007

Windows 7 - October 22, 2009

7.     What seems to be getting better as the years go on?

As the years go on, user-friendliness is getting better. The designs are more attractive and easy to follow. The interface looks more organized and clear as less icons were put on the desktops as the years go on.

8.     What are the main goals of good HCI?

The main goals of a good HCI is to allow the user to user the computer efficiently without any problems. A good HCI is simple, yet effective for the user.

9.     List 3 Universities that have courses in HCI.

3 Universities that have courses in HCI are:
-University of Waterloo
-University of Michigan
-University of Manitoba

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quantum Computing Playground

This page, talks about Quantum Computing, how it works and how it is different from the "classic" computer. A classic computer processes bits that can either be 0 or 1. However, quantum computers allows multiple interesting algorithms because they use qubits, which can exist in any superposition of 0 and 1 and are also represented by complex numbers. The website says that when N qubits are in superposition 2 states are created as opposed to 1 state which a class computer creates. This may sound complicated, but is considered a "basic property" of quantum computers.

Basic operations on quantum computers are defined by quantum gates. These gates allow the ability to build complex algorithms. Quantum gates are reversible which allows a program to execute both forward and reverse.

The actual site, Quantum Computing Playground, allows users to simulate quantum registers up to 22 qubits and run algorithms. The site also gives you examples that you can try including a step by step demonstration.

Worst Passwords of 2013

Business Insider listed 25 of the worst passwords that were used in 2013. These passwords were simple and easy to remember. Because of this, many people chose the same passwords and thus becoming vulnerable to hackers, Hackers try these passwords first, which is why your data could be at risk if you have them:
worst passwords of 2013

Passwords are recommended to have at least eight with different types of characters and different combinations; however, these are often difficult to remember, which is why they recommend using multiple words that are easy to remember and seperated by spaces, like "cakes years  birthdays". The article also recommends using different passwords for each account you use. 

Personally, I have used number 13 on that list as my password for my school account, but because that password has expired, I had to change it to something else. Luckily, it isn't on that list!