Monday, September 9, 2013

Web 2.0

1. What can we do now, that makes the web different than 5 years ago?

-We can share things like pictures and videos much more fast than 5 years ago. With the rapid rise of social media, things that are posted on sites, like Twitter for example, spread like wildfire. People are able to communicate, share and post things very easily because programs/app are more accessible today.

2. What is Web 2.0?

-Web 2.0 is a term used to describle the second 'generation' of the internet. Web 2.0's main focus is the ability for people to work together and share information on the internet. Web 2.0 is the change of how people interact on the internet (more faster and instantly). Blogs, like this one you're reading, is seen as a part of Web 2.0.

3. Explain how these sites are perfect examples of Web 2.0:
Survey Monkey

-These sites are perfect examples of Web 2.0 because they all have to do with some sort of human interaction through the internet. Whether it is sharing videos, or trying to sell something, one interacts with another through comments or purchasing, which is how those are examples of Web 2.0. Information is shared by people on those websites which is why they are examples of Web 2.0.

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